Gig Report - Canyon Inn July 24-25, 2009

In Stereo played at the Canyon Inn in Salt Lake city this past weekend. It was a good weekend overall even though the crowds were smaller than we would have liked. Ted was back playing with the band after battling a severe ankle infection for the past 3 months.
Ted did a great job and was able to last the entire weekend without giving out. It takes a lot of stamina to drum for 4 hours a night but Ted pulled it off and the crowd really seemed to appreciate it.
Heidi came and sang with us both nights. The crowd really loves it when she gets up and sings some songs with us.
We will be playing the Canyonn Inn again in August. Watch here and Live Musician Central for gig announcements. We will also be playing a festival with Heidi in September so keep an eye on the Blog and websites for announcements.
We had a lot of friends and family show up to support us and we really appreciate all the support we get from all of you. Thanks for coming out to see In Stereo whenever we perform.
And now...some pictures!
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